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23 March 2024

Pianist-composer Madeline Styskal holds a master's in composition from the University of Texas, an artist's certificate in composition from the Moscow State Conservatory, and a bachelor's of music in composition from the University of Houston. Currently she is obtaining her doctorate in musicology at UT, where she studies and practices Russian-American musical diplomacy.

The Composition Studio Boot Camp at the Houston summer music festival AFA is a composition training program for students in 6th-9th grade. Madeline Styskal has been a faculty artist teaching since the program's inception in 2022 and she is elated to return this summer. Boot Camp participants spend two intense weeks in the lab at HSPVA learning new techniques and writing their own brand-new pieces to be premiered at a Reading Session at the end of Boot Camp. Incoming students have diverse levels of experience--this is a great place to make a strong start as well as develop existing skills. If your child is interested in a deep-dive into composition in a supportive and friendly environment, please consider applying!

Details via this link:


  • CCMTA offers a Summer Camp Scholarship that covers part of or all of the tuition costs to attend any music summer camp. The scholarship is based on merit. If you are interested, please let me know and I am happy to share the requirements with you. Otherwise, please feel free to check out the link below for more information on this particular camp. There are many summer music programs in Houston and Texas
16 February 2024

Join us for the spring TMTA SA VIRTUAL FESTIVAL!


  1. The student must be a Student Affiliate member.
  2. There is NO theory requirement.
  3. Students may enter on ANY instrument.
  4. Deadline for the virtual festival is March 15, 2024.
  5. When a student participates in two virtual festivals, they will earn one Student Affiliate point.
  6. A superior rating at a TMTA SA Virtual Festival may be used to qualify for the TMTA All-Star Festival.

To find out more information and how to register go to the TMTA Website under Student Activities > Virtual Festivals.


  • TMTA has started a Virtual Festival, open to any SA member. Guess what! You are all SA members. If interested, let me know and we can discuss how it works.
  • When you consider the awards given out to TMTA SA members, please consider adding this to your list of ways to earn points for participation awards. It seems like a good way to earn more. Then when you attend a TMTA conference to participate in the TMTA Ensemble program, you can also participate in the TMTA All-Star Festival. Or you might consider helping out at the conference by being a page or manning the Student Affiliate Booth in the Exhibit Hall and earn more points there (grade 7 and above). Add to your possible awards by passing both the theory and WOM tests, by earning a medal in both, by earning Gold medals in Theory every year ..................... (don't fail, any test, ever!!!) Ensemble awards begin with the 9th year of participation and get better and more generous with each year thereafter. For those who have already missed a year, you can still participate after graduation as a Young Artist.
01 December 2023

Reminders for students

  1. Dress up! This is a special occasion so take advantage of it. That goes for all of us. I love going to the theater, the symphony, ballet and have the opportunity to look my very best.
  2. Arrive early so we are on time for the beginning. Note, I asked for you to be at the church by 2:00 PM to give us the time to be organized and calm when you perform your very best. Sometimes running late can cause anxiety, nerves that affect how we perform. We will begin promptly at 2:15, or before if everyone is present and ready.
  3. Remember to use Saturday to prepare so you are ready for the recital
    1. Practice your entrance: Approach the piano with confidence. Pick up the microphone so everyone can hear you as you introduce your piece(s). I will have a chair near the piano for you to get the microphone and put it back before you prepare to play.
    2. For those using music, place the music on the music rack of the piano, turn to the audience, take your time as you bow to the audience. Remember the trick of looking at your feet as you say the word "hippopotamus", to look more polished and professional.
    3. You may use a 3X5 card for notes to remind you of what you are going to say. Introduce the music by title as well as the composer. You may include when the composer was born, or what era the music was written, where the composer lived or something you like about the music, why you chose it to play for them. It is not necessary to give all of that information. Those are just some ideas of what you might say.
    4. Do NOT turn your back on the audience. Either face them or give them your profile as you will when you are playing. Keep the piano to your back side as you speak and bow, or to your left side as you adjust the piano bench, and as you prepare to sit or stand.
    5. When playing more than one piece, stay seated, you may turn your head towards the audience and smile to accept their applause, then back to continue to the next piece.
    6. When you are finished, rise gracefully, face the audience again, and bow as you did in the beginning. Pick up your music from the piano and return to your seat.
04 October 2023

Consider more TMTA Participation and earn points even if you can't make it to the TMTA Conference in June 2024. Here are some ways you can do that.

In case you are wondering what these points are all about: Students are invited to participate in different events at the Texas Music Teachers Assn. and earn points toward awards, plaques, and cash. They can do this by serving as a Page at the TMTA Conference once they have entered grade 7; by these virtual festivals or in person festivals at the conference; by playing the the ensemble groups and perform at the conference; by taking the TMTA Theory Test and World of Music history test; by researching and writing an essay over topics as assigned by TMTA and more. Ask for information.

Teresa Crawford, NCTM, TMTA SA Involvement Coordinator

Join us for TMTA's new SA Virtual Festival. This festival is extra exciting because students may earn one Student Affiliate Point for participating in two SA Virtual Festivals. This opens the door for many students to perform through TMTA who are unable to attend conference and still earn SA points, as well as students who attend conference regularly.

You can find more information about the TMTA SA Virtual Festival and how to register on the TMTA Website under Student Activities > Virtual Festivals.

The deadline for the first TMTA SA Virtual Festival is November 1, 2023.
The deadline for the second TMTA SA Virtual Festival is March 15, 2024

31 August 2023
The 10th Anniversary Piano Sale

Since 2013, Steinway Piano Gallery has proudly represented The Family of Steinway Designed Pianos as the authorized Steinway & Sons piano dealer in Houston, Texas. Over the last 10 years, Steinway Piano Gallery has had the honor of bringing music to area families, music institutions, and houses of worship by offering the world’s finest pianos.





to book your private appointment, contact


(281) 674-7764

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